Our family serving you since 1987

Dealer Application

371 N. Bilhen ST. Troy, NC 27371
Ph: 910.576.8225 Fax: 910.572.3280

Applying to become a Shilohtack Dealer?

Is there a minimum order?

How do I pay for my order?

Do you offer any Net 30 Terms?

Application Form

Business Information

*Type of Business (Please check all that apply)

Personal Information

Please list below any other Employees/Personnel who may be contacting us regarding your account:

Tax ID#

Business References

Give complete names and addresses of companies you are currently doing business with or have already applied to do business with. Application will not be processed without these references.

Business Reference 1


Business Reference 2


Business Reference 3

Business Reference 4



Please use this area to upload any files or images in support of your application.

Drag & Drop Files to Upload Here

Or browse for the files

By submitting this application I acknowledge:

I have read and agree to Shiloh Stables and Tack, INC. terms & conditions and if approved I will be subject to a first time purchase amount of $1,000.00 USD. I will be required to submit new customer forms to establish my billing account. If at any time I misrepresent my company, include false information, false orders are submitted, or my account becomes past due, my account will be revoked. I hereby authorize Shiloh Stables and Tack, INC to investigate my listed references or other information given by me or any other person to credit my responsibility.